

To run UPlan there are a few installation steps that need to be completed first. The most technically complicated will be the installation of an updated version of Numpy and Pandas to your ArcGIS’s Python installation. This must happen for the 32bit installation of Python, and if you have installed the 64bit Background Processing toolkit it is optional for advanced users who might be calling functions from UPlan from within the 64bit installation.

In the future these installations may not be needed as Esri has hinted that Pandas may become part of the basic Python installation for ArcGIS.


Numpy is a key component of most scientific and numeric processing in Python. A version of it is installed with ArcGIS’s Python installation, but the version (at least as of ArcGIS 10.2.2 and 10.3) is several versions behind the current version. Updating the Numpy version makes the installation of Pandas much easier, and I have not yet run into any compatibility problems with Arcpy or other Python libraries.


Pandas is a Python library that rests on top of Numpy and allows us to work with data tables in memory and vastly more efficiently than doing manipulations of the tables through Arcpy. Pandas is becoming a very commonly used library in Python, and Esri as suggested that it’ll become a standard part of their default Python installation for ArcGIS in the future.

Installing Numpy and Pandas

To install/upgrade Numpy and Pandas you will need to install pip which is a utility for managing the installation of Python libraries. These instructions are written to focus on the 32bit install. If you are also doing the optional 64 bit installation, substitute ArcGIS10.2X64 for ArcGIS10.2 anywhere you see it occur in a file path. All of the steps including the pip installation needs to be done independently for the 32 and 64 bit installations. The are completely independent installations from each other.

Download the file from

My suggestion is to copy it into:


Open the commandline prompt with Administrative privileges. Then enter the following lines one by one.

cd c:\Python27\ArcGIS10.2

If you are asked for confirmation on the installation of pip, please accept it.

The pip application will be installed into:


To install the upgraded version of Numpy, download the .whl file for the appropriate version of Python from:

Both ArcGIS 10.2 and 10.2 use versions of Python 2.7, so you’ll want the version looks like: numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whl for the 32bit Python and numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl for 64 bit Python (optional).

Numpy version 1.9.2 is the current version as of the time I’m writing this, it could change over time.

Save the 32 bit file into c:Python27ArcGIS10.2Scripts for convenience.

From the command line promt(with Administrative privileges): (make sure that ArcGIS is fully closed and no other application is using Python)

pip.exe install numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whl

The installation process should tell you that it’s uninstalling an older version of Numpy.

To install the Pandas, download the .whl file for the appropriate version of Python from:

Both ArcGIS 10.2 and 10.2 use versions of Python 2.7, so you’ll want the version looks like: pandas-0.16.1-cp27-none-win32.whl for the 32bit Python and pandas-0.16.1-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl for 64 bit Python (optional).

Pandas version 0.16.1 is the current version (6/12/2015), though that will likely change over time.

Save the 32 bit file into c:Python27ArcGIS10.2Scripts for convenience.

From the command line promt(with Administrative privileges): (make sure that ArcGIS is fully closed and no other application is using Python)

pip.exe install pandas-0.16.1-cp27-none-win32.whl